Who is the contact person at Black Gallery Daylesford?
Cristina Doyle is the owner and director of Black Gallery Daylesford and is happy to receive your enquiries via email; blackgallerydaylesford@gmail.com or by phone: 0409 137 157. Cristina is also the resident artist.
OPEN: Friday & Saturday 11am to 4pm
Sunday 11am to 3pm
Public Holidays 11am to 3pm
CLOSED: Christmas Day, Boxing Day & Easter Sunday
And open by appointment: call Cristina 0409 137 157.
Why is the Gallery called Black?
The Gallery is housed in a black building.
By calling it Black Gallery we hope it is easier to locate.
Can I exhibit at Black Gallery Daylesford?
Due to local council restrictions Black Gallery Daylesford is permitted to exhibit work created on the premises only. Therefore, BGD is unable to exhibit art by other artists.